From the cold land, Korea (-25) grandma and uncle's family arrived in Jakarta, I
ndonesia. They were wearing a really big coat or a fat- looking jumper. Our family welcomed them and lead them to our house with a car. They wondered around first when they arrived, but then followed us through the elevator to my house. The visitors put down their stuff and talked about how they lived, what is happening in Korea and Indonesia, but we all couldn't talk much, sleepiness came and everyone slept at each other's places. That's how the first day ended.

As 2 weeks has past, our dad decided to go to somewhere that has fresh air and cold breeze and our family recommended Bandung, I was the only one that said Puncak. Well, if you didn't know Bandung and Puncak both has mountains or are mountains, nearly the same, except the spa and resort in Bandung, and that's why I had to go to Bandung. We packed our stuff and were ready to go the following day.

All 8 of us went down to the lobby. Dad drove the car and we tried to fit in the c-rv car, but we couldn't. Imagine, 5 people in the back seat, supposed to be for 3 people, 1 in the trunk, where you put things, 1 on the driver seat and 1 on the front seat. Unfortunately my car was big, but didn't have a middle seat, instead the trunk was bigger than it was supposed to be. My grandma had to
sit on a CD box, My sister and I had to sit on our mom and auntie's lap. We all had to go on with this position for 4 hours. Then rest and again go on for 1 hour and a half with the same position. Our body ached, especially the women who were in the back seat, including me!

When we arrived in the Bandung spa resort, when we dropped down of the car, people started staring at us, like saying 'huh? haha'. It was not funny, I was expecting someone to cheer me up especially in this mood, but the workers stared at me and the others too, thought like it was some kind of joke except it is live. Our resort was 2 resort in 1. It was a family place or called as family suite. We unpacked our stuff and quickly went to bathroom before the others had gone before. I was the first one. After the racing, we had some rest on our beds.
After some sleeps, we changed into our swimming gear and then headed to the spa with our towel covering us. The spa was steaming, but I had to go in. My dad pushed me in. The spa was big, A swimming pool in another word, except that the water is hot and they put something in so tastes salty. "Burning the bad skins are good, but too long is bad." That's what I told mom for an excuse to go back home early. She gave me the key and told me I could go back with grandma. So I headed back and unlocked the door. Straight away, we showered and waited for the others. When everybody were ready, we played Korean traditional game called 윷놀이. Fun, but exhausting. So all of us went to bed and had a deep rest.
The next day, we went home and rest again.
The next day, we went home and rest again.
-The End-
Hi, I'm Kate I go to Taipei American School it's also called TAS. It looked like u had fun..... Have 2 go.
Thanks, I'm glad that I got a comment from other schools. Some people didn't even get one comment from your school.
Ya some people don't really care, so.
One quick question are u from Korea?
Hi I'm from T.A.S and I'm Korean like you. I know Si won, Young Woo, Yong hee, and Hyun Jin and you're the only korean I didn't write to. so yeah. Keep in touch. I never played youtnori before but I know how to play it. I think you're vacation was quite depressing.
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