Wednesday, 3 February 2010

Vocab definitions

1. Mildew: Something like a mole that appears on cloth when it is stayed wet in a cool place.
2. Out of the blue: Out of the subject; random
3. Hesitantly: Something that you're forced to do; stopping to think
4. Hatch: The noun, Hatch is a door on the ship (it's on the floor); the verb, Hatch means movement when the egg cracks and chick is born.
5. Orientation: Something you see that you have to know
6. Chateau: Chateau is a very big, luxury house. Where normally really rich celebrities and a very rich person lives. Some kind of a castle.
7. Thunderous: Doing something very seriously, rudely.
8. Contradiction: Disagreement.
9. Faults: Mistake or a failure.
10. Preserve: Something to keep it usable.

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