Wednesday, 26 May 2010

What would you prefer?

I would prefer having the ability of getting answers, honestly and ask whatever I want, in any time. Rather than lying. I think lying is a really bad habit, when you get answers honestly, you get to know more about yourself. And know how to change how you act. Also, that means you could read their minds. You actually do, because you practically ask everything you want about them, and you get honest answers. It is just awesome. You get to know what your sister wants and I guess be close sisters, not like seperated. Anyway getting answers, honestly and ask whatever you want is better than LYING


Yuuki Sugiyama said...

You chose the same thing as me!
I also think lying is a bad habit.
Gud job on explaining!

Daniel said...

That's a good explanation
i did the same one
keep it up...